Nič ne bo tako povezalo vaše ekipe kot skupni posebni spomini. Prave pustolovščine v dih jemajočih gorah, kjer vsi pozabijo na stres in nesoglasja ter uživajo v sedanjem trenutku.
Dolina Soče ponuja neskončno paleto dejavnosti na prostem, SUP pa je odlična izbira za ljudi vseh stopenj telesne pripravljenosti. Naši izkušeni vodniki bodo vašo ekipo naučili osnov supanja in poskrbeli, da boste vsi uživali. Z zabavnimi igrami bomo okrepili ekipni duh in zaupanje.
V naši standardni ponudbi imamo štiri različne SUP aktivnosti. Vsaka aktivnost traja približno štiri ure in vključuje prevoz iz Bovca in nazaj, visokokakovostno opremo ter vodenje s strani certificiranega vodnika. Z veseljem vam oblikujemo tudi ponudbo po meri.
Naša posebnost je SUP, z veseljem pa vam pripravimo tudi celoten aktivni program, ki vključuje druge izbrane aktivnosti naših zaupanja vrednih partnerjev. Imeli boste v potankost načrtovan potek aktivnosti, zato ste lahko prepričani, da boste svoj čas izkoristili na najboljši način.
Druge dejavnosti, ki jih lahko vključimo v vaš program:
Sporočite nam vaša pričakovanja in pripravili bomo ponudbo po meri vaše ekipe. Z veseljem vam pomagamo tudi pri rezervaciji nastanitve.
A perfect team-building SUP trip
„We had a team-building SUP trip with Sebi on Lago Predil, and I have to say we could not have chosen a better program. We had great instruction in the beginning and throughout the whole trip, so beginners could enjoy the program. After warming up in rowing and crossing the lake, Sebi and Judit, our 2 super guides, moderated a team-building game for us. We had to lead a team member blindfolded only by providing rowing noises. People were coupled for the game. It was a lot of fun, and we learned a lot about each other during the trip. The surrounding mountains and the landscape was amazing and definitely helped us to leave the office anxiety behind for a few hours. The transportation was organized for 12 people, and everyone got a nice snack and lemonade that we could put on the SUP, so we really did not have to take care of anything, Sebi and Judit did everything for a careless fun time. We are so thankful for them and cannot wait to be back with new colleagues. 😊”
Enikö Csató
Deloitte Hungary, Sustainability Team
Radi doživljamo pustolovščine, vendar je vaša varnost naša prednostna naloga. Naši SUP vodniki so usposobljeni pri najvišjih mednarodnih ponudnikih reševanja iz divjih voda in prve pomoči. Zagotovimo vam lahko tudi oceno tveganja, s katero boste prepričani, da izpolnjujemo najvišje varnostne standarde.
Rescue 3 Europe Pro Rescue 3 Europe Advance
International Surfing Association - SUP Instructor level 1
Austrian SUP Federation SUP Instructor level 1
International Rafting Federation Safety kayaker, Raft guide
Red Cross First Aid included CPR Budapest Hungary
N.A.E.M.T Prehospital Trauma Life Support
AoFAQ Level 3 Award in the First Person on Scene Intermediate
Slovenian Swift Water Rescue Course 48 hours
E.R.R.C. Openwater Lifeguard
Choose your SUP adventure and let us know the ideal date. We will reach you by e-mail within 24 hours and set the details of your trip/course together. For now, you are not committing to anything.
Thank you for your message! We will get back to you as soon as we get out of water. :-)
Thank you for your message!
We will get back to you as soon as we get out of water. :-)